(Some swearing below. NSFW.)
How many times have you been picked on for looking different? How many times have people made fun of you because of your appearance? For me, my youth was rife with kids poking mercilessly at other kids for everything - glasses, braces, bad hair, bad taste in clothing. I could go on and on. But eventually, most people mature beyond the point of criticizing another person's looks.
Except, for whatever reason, people of all ages still seem perfectly comfortable criticizing another person's weight.
Google the term "body-shaming" and you will see numerous articles and stories about celebrities, models, everyday people, and - most disheartening of all - young women facing bullying. Because that is what "body-shaming" is - BULLYING people for their weight, shape, and size.
But there is a counter-movement of people fighting back. From well-known bloggers to a coalition of Chivers, these people promote self-worth and love, and reject judgment and criticism based solely on weight. Journalists condemn the effect body-shaming has on our youth, spouting horrifying statistics about children and diets. We're seeing a culture of acceptance, we're reading inspiring stories about plus-size models, and we're hearing people encouraging one another to be happy and healthy - whatever shape that may come in.
These are awe-inspiring and courageous acts of rebellion against the idea that thin is in. These are people daring to suggest that all shapes and sizes are beautiful, that "fat" and "healthy" are not necessarily incongruous, that a "bikini-ready body" is a body wearing a damn bikini. This is a counter-movement that I embrace and endorse with every single ounce of my being. (I'm Korean - I know a little something about impossible standards and the utter despair of falling short.) These movements - #stopbs, #eachbodysready, #effyourbeautystandards? To all this, I have two words: FUCK YEAH.
Where the HELL have we come as a society? It's 20fucking15 and we're STILL finding ways to bring each other down over our LOOKS? Why are we setting these ridiculous standards, for ourselves and for everyone else? How have we not accepted there is NO standard for beauty? Beauty is as varied as the number of people who inhabit this earth and their glorious bodies, and FUCK YOU if you try to convince me otherwise.
I am so damned disgusted that we've come to a point where I feel the need to write an expletive-laden blog post about BODY-SHAMING. You want to know how to person? Find something better to do with your time than criticizing another person for their appearance. Leave my body, and every other body, out of it. We're fucking beautiful.
I love you beyond measure. Thank you for always accepting me for who I am, for building me up each and every day, and for always letting me know that you think I'm beautiful inside and out. You, my friend, are out of this world spectacular in so, so many ways. Thank you for your amazing spirit. <3